Tuesday, January 26, 2010


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People in Mali have a few main drinks. They drink many types of fruit juices. They also drink tea, their tea has three different ways to drink it. First way to drink it is very strong, the people there say "as biter as death." The Second way to drink it is slightly sweetened the people there say "just like life." The third and final way to drink it is well sugared and the people there say "as sweet as love."

Their food is usualy based on corn, millet, and rice which can be served with a wide variety of sauces. The most popular sauces are made of ground peanuts, baobab leaves, sweet potato leaves, and okra. They have a large variety of meats and vegetables they can also be prepared with these sauces and served with rice, porridge. Malinese cuisine is also rich in proteins like Lamb, Beef, fresh or smoked fish, or Chicken. The most common vegetables are tomatoes, onions, Eggplant, plantain and yams. As far as fruits are concerned, people love lemons, bananas, mangoes, and watermelon. Poulet yassa and foutou are some of the popular Western African dishes.

When people go out to eat they give 10% tip.

Women in Mali wear things like skirts with tops or long dresses. A very common material that their clothes are made of is silk. The men in Mali prefer to wear loose pants and shirts. Some other materials their clothes are made of include a sort of mud cloth that is very popular, wax prints are also very popular among the women.

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