Thursday, January 28, 2010


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A few dishes from Zambia are:
Nashima which is prepared by grounding and boiling Maize and Corn to make a thick paste, then they eat it with vegetables, fish, or meat.
Ifisashi (very popular)it is prepared with peanuts, cooked in green vegetables. Then served with meat.
Samp which is hominy and dried beans cooked together.
Kibbbutz Salad which is mixed vegetable salad.
Chinaka which is a special dish prepared with tuber cooked in peanut powder and many other spices.
Caterpiller Delight which is boiled caterpiller and many green vegetables.
All of these dishes are serverd with Nashima.

Drinks of Zambia:
Chibuku is a locally brewed beverage favored by the people. The most popular drinks of Zambia includes brewed beers like Castle lager, Rhino and Mosi.

Many instruments are used in Zambia, a common one is the hand piano. It is a small instrument with iron keys on top of a rectangular box; they use it by plucking it with their thumbs. Another instrument they play is called the Silimba. It is sort of like a xylophone, it has flat wooden keys mounted over gourds. The most common instrument is the drums. They play them during rituals, ceremonies, celebrations, and community communication.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


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Congo is an upbeat dance that has drummers, singers, and dancers. An elder woman leads the singing, and it is call and response type songs. Then the drums come in. They're bongo drums. Only men can drum. We all gather in a circle and the song leader will begin singing. Everyone else will join in. There are usually men already in the circle, called "Pajaritos" or little birds. They whistled or give a signal if the master is coming since dancing is forbidden. Then a woman would enter the circle and dance, taking small steps like shuffle, move her hips, and she would move around the circle. The key is to move just the hips and feet to keep the rest of the body pretty still. Also, her hands and arms are usually up to guard her face. Sometimes the women balance a plate on their head while dancing, just to show how skilled they are. A man would enter and he usually had his arms spread eagle, and he makes big movements around the circle and does small kicks and bows toward the woman. Now, the whole point is for the man to try to get close to the woman and kiss her. So the woman can let him get close, but not too close, hence her hands are up near her face. So the men would bow or dip towards you, and you can spin around and dodge them
Also, if an elder woman comes in the circle, everyone clears out and lets her dance. Then a man or two comes in and tries to dance with her. Its like a respect thing.
The pajaritos will blow their whistle if its time for you to get out of the circle or if you get kissed and “lose.”

People of Congo don't eat much meat since it is to exspensive to hunt or have imported. So they eat mostly bananas, pineapples, taro (a stem less plant), peanuts, manioc (a shrubby tropical plant), cassava (tropical plant), rice, and bread.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


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People in Mali have a few main drinks. They drink many types of fruit juices. They also drink tea, their tea has three different ways to drink it. First way to drink it is very strong, the people there say "as biter as death." The Second way to drink it is slightly sweetened the people there say "just like life." The third and final way to drink it is well sugared and the people there say "as sweet as love."

Their food is usualy based on corn, millet, and rice which can be served with a wide variety of sauces. The most popular sauces are made of ground peanuts, baobab leaves, sweet potato leaves, and okra. They have a large variety of meats and vegetables they can also be prepared with these sauces and served with rice, porridge. Malinese cuisine is also rich in proteins like Lamb, Beef, fresh or smoked fish, or Chicken. The most common vegetables are tomatoes, onions, Eggplant, plantain and yams. As far as fruits are concerned, people love lemons, bananas, mangoes, and watermelon. Poulet yassa and foutou are some of the popular Western African dishes.

When people go out to eat they give 10% tip.

Women in Mali wear things like skirts with tops or long dresses. A very common material that their clothes are made of is silk. The men in Mali prefer to wear loose pants and shirts. Some other materials their clothes are made of include a sort of mud cloth that is very popular, wax prints are also very popular among the women.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Today we started our african safari!!! Here is a picture from our trip!! :)